St. Patrick’s is a vibrant community of disciples of Jesus Christ.
Some of our families have celebrated the Catholic faith in Lawrence for many generations. Some of us are newcomers to the United States, bringing a richness of faith experiences from all over the world.
The diversity of our community reflects the wonder of God’s creation! With our varied histories, traditions, perspectives, and talents, together we share the same baptismal call to build the One Body of Christ.
We are very happy that you have connected with our parish’s website. If you are a member of Saint Patrick’s, we hope this site will be a useful resource for you. If you are new to Saint Patrick’s, we hope this website will be a helpful introduction to the life of our parish. If you have not yet worshipped with us and are able to do so, we would be honored to have you join us!
You are very welcome here!

Saint Patrick Legacy Society
Each of us is blessed with the opportunity to help build the Kingdom of God through Saint Patrick’s during our lifetime. When we complete our earthly journeys, we are also blessed with the unique opportunity to continue to support Christ’s work through Saint Patrick’s . . . to leave a strong legacy of putting our faith into practice even after death.