Welcome to Saint Patrick Parish- A Stewardship parish
of the Archdiocese of Boston
Stewardship is a way of life, an expression of discipleship in Jesus Christ. Disciples who practice stewardship recognize that all good things are gifts from God. We acknowledge that God is the origin of all life, the giver of freedom, and the source of all that we have and are and will be.
In answer to God's infinite generosity to us, we respond as good caretakers or stewards, by receiving God's gifts gratefully, Stewards nurture their relationship with God by dedicating their time to prayer and good works. Listening and responding to God is at the core of a disciple's life. Whether prayer of thanksgiving, praise, petition, or forgiveness, whether private or communal, the purpose is to stay connected to God so as to do the divine will.
In answer to God's infinite generosity to us, we respond as good caretakers or stewards, by
The gifts that we have received from God may be categorized as time, talent, and treasure.
Stewards place their talents at the service of those in need. We accept our responsibility to be instruments of God's will through active service to others. Volunteer ministries find expression in the areas of worship, education, community, social justice, leadership, and evangelization.
Stewards share their treasure for the good of their brothers and sisters. We practice sacrificial giving by returning to God the first portion of His gift to us of our financial resources.
Members of Saint Patrick Parish are called to live a life of stewardship in service to the Lord and His Church. Once a year, in the autumn, we are asked to prayerfully and reflectively decide how we will share our time, talent, and treasure with God's people through our parish. At that time, we are asked to formally make a stewardship commitment for the upcoming year, indicating how we will enhance our prayer life, become more involved in the volunteer ministries of the parish, and support the parish and its works through a committed contribution to the weekly offertory.
I hope that you will join us in the stewardship way of life - a life of faith-filled prayer, service to our neighbors, and generous sharing.
Ed Sampson
Chairman, Parish Stewardship Commission

receiving God's gifts gratefully,
nurturing God's gifts responsibly,
sharing God's gifts thoughtfully, and